What Does the Bible Say About Worship (6 Biblical Descriptions)

Worship is an attitude of the heart. A person can go through the outward motions of praise and not be worshiping. God knows our hearts, and He desires and deserves sincere, heartfelt praise & worship (check out my previous article outlining the difference between praise & worship). There are lots of ideas about what worship should or should not look like in practice floating around within Churchianity. But it’s essential to get back to the Bible and examine what it has to say about worship. Everything else is just noisy opinions. So, the following are six biblical descriptions of genuine worship.

1. Genuine Worship is Vertical (Psalm 95:1)

Genuine worship is always directed upwards to God, never horizontally towards man. It’s crucial for a genuine worshipper to carefully distinguish between being ushered into praise via talent and worshiping talent (musical or otherwise) rather than the Creator. Authentic worship is not about personal preferences, entertainment, emotionalism, or sensationalism alone (although there are times when one or more of those elements may be involved); instead, it is about total surrender to God.

2. Genuine Worship is Joyful (Psalm 95:2)

On numerous occasions, God commands us via Scripture that we must worship joyfully. But, in reality, worship erupts from a heart that is full of the joy of the Lord. Godly contentment is not predicated upon our conditions, our surroundings, or even our circumstances. That’s why Paul and Silas could worship and sing praises to God while confined unjustly in prison (Acts 16:25).

3. Genuine Worship is Participatory (Psalm 95:2)

God calls us to worship Him, not to watch someone else worship Him. It is not until we genuinely participate that we become woven into the tapestry of godly worship. When we participate, we bless God, and He blesses us in return.

4. Genuine Worship is Thankful (Psalm 95:2)

It is not possible to worship with a heart filled with ingratitude.

5. Genuine Worship is Humble (Psalm 95:3)

Humility is the opposite of pride. Pride is a praise killer. Pride renders a heart incapable of sincerity. Pride breeds sins of all types. Pride squeezes worship out of the hearts of men and women. Pride kept Michal in the tower (2 Samuel 6:16), but humility caused King David to worship anyway (2 Samuel 6:14).

6. Genuine Worship is Reverent (Psalm 95:4-5)

God is the sovereign Lord of all the earth, the King of glory, the Rock of our Salvation. Therefore, we should not suppress our joy in our expressions of reverence. Neither should we compromise our reverence in our expressions of joy.